Day 20: A Hobby of Mine

I don't really have any hobbies these days unless you can count the Team (Tinsley.) Pretty much most of my activities center around my family. What they do. Or are doing. I'm usually doing until I'm done.

I'm playing softball with a bunch of guys from church (Dirty Search is our team name.) I like to do an occasional poker tournament. I like to golf. I'm going to sponsor Big Boy to see if he can eat a 5 pound burrito at Fuzzy's on Saturday.

But are those hobbies? I don't think so.

A hobby for me is something like stamp collecting. Or making models. Something that requires you go to Hobby Lobby to get shit. Or some type of specialty store you'd probably never frequent if not for your hobby.

Which brings me to my hobby. Which I no longer do, to be honest. Homebrewing. Stu's Demon Malt brand (what I called my brews) was in business circa 1994 to 2002. For those playing along at home, The Elder Boy was born in January 2002 which is about the time I stopped homebrewing.

I brewed a lot of beer over those 8 years. Some Great. Most good. And some that were undrinkable.

I'd like to get back into the brew thing someday. I always enjoyed it since it combines two things that I love to do: drinking beer and cooking. Brewing isn't really all that complicated. The main thing is making sure everything is clean. Sanitation. It is key. Not that you can or could kill yourself with a bad batch of beer. About the worst you can do is end up with a sour batch you have to dump which sucks because of the time and money you spend in a batch. Or it won't taste like what you wanted it to taste like. Rogue yeast. Seriously. Clean is a big thing in making beer.

The thing that always cracked me up about homebrewing was the main question I got from most people. How did I cap the beer. Which to be honest is the most simple of tasks in all of the process which can take 4 to 8 hours depending on what you are making when all is said and done.

Until I BLOG again...Strange brew.


  1. So what is the connection between E's birth and you not brewing? Time? Sanitation?

    PS -- Apparently you and I share the same definition of hobby

  2. Time, MK. It takes a lot of free time to homebrew. Especially if you rack (put the beer into) bottles. And if you got that route you have a lot of bottles sitting around which can be a bit dangerous for little guys. But the biggest factor is (was) time.


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