Day 05: A Favorite Quote

I'm not a quote kind of a guy. Every once in awhile, I'll see something that I think is exceptionally good. Or. Defines a moment for me in such a unique way that I take the time to write it down. Either on paper. Or. Type it into my computer and/or robot phone. If I really love it. Hard. I'll commit it to memory.

Then. Shit happens. Life. Time. All the usual things which result in my losing the quote that had meant so much to me. I either forgot what I memorized. Or lose what I wrote. Or delete wherever it was I punched it into my computer and/or robot phone.

Even worse.

There are times I'll stumble upon an old quote and re-read it and think what the fuck, why did I think that was so great in a very waking up the morning after with an Oklahoma 10* sort of a way.

Which is sad.
For the quote.
And for me.

So today I'm not going to list a quote from anyone but me. Stuart Eric Tinsley.

Not even sure this qualifies. Unless you were quoting the Team Tinsley BLOG. Or this one.

Regular readers might know where this train is heading.

Which is here: "Fuck me."

I'm not sure when I even started saying, or thinking (and I think it a lot!) "Fuck me."

All I know is that it has become my de facto reaction to damn near every wheels off moment that happens to aboynamedstu. Any absurd moment. When I hear especially sad or troubling news. I always say. Or. Think.

"Fuck me."

Until I BLOG again...*Oklahoma 10: A 4 plus a 6 pack (of beer.)


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