Day 12 & 13: Smash-Up!

I'll take Day 12 as meaning something I bought recently for myself.  Something beyond gas. Or food. Beer.  Because, really, beyond that I rarely, if ever, buy anything for myself. 

My father-in-law once said of me: "You have a depression era mindset when it comes to money."

Which is true.  Money = security for me. I don't necessarily covet it. Think that it is the end all, be all to everything. I get that money is a tool. And as I said, that tool for me is security. 

That might make you think that I'm cheap.  Which is when my relationship with money gets really curious.  Because I'm not cheap at all when it comes to buying things for others.  Or if I'm on vacation.  I'll gladly spend what I need and want to spend.  Without buyer's remorse.  Yet splurging $8.99 versus $7.99 on a six pack of beer will give me buyer's remorse. 

I'm saving a fucking dollar.  Sixteen cents spread over 6 beers, beers that I wanted over some other beers.  Yet I'll beat myself up and or stand in front of the beer case for too long agonizing over the decision.

The same is true of other purchases for me.  Like something I want to buy.

I need a gym bag.  Mind you, I work out pretty much Monday through Friday.  To burn stress.  Read.  Get out of work for an hour.  I take my gym bag.  Which is actually the Elder Boy's very first Day School Backpack.  He's had, shit, 6 backpacks since then. Expensive ones. That I've paid for, for the most part. Yet, I'm using a 7 year old backpack that has a ET written on it in black Sharpie and has a big ass hole in it because I can't convince myself to spend $25 to $40 on a nice new gym bag/backpack for myself. 

Fucked up, isn't it?

Until I BLOG again...All That Money Wants.


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