Day 03: A Favorite TV Show

If you think my favorite movies illustrates what a conflicted soul I truly am, dig this, I equally love, albeit in their own way, a series such as LOST the same as I love Who's The Boss.


How can the two even exist in the same place, that place being my heart. Because I truly do love both of those shows. Same as I love Dexter, Gilmore Girls, Freaks and Geeks, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

For today's exercise though, I'm picking Northern Exposure.

Sure, at first glance Northern Exposure is your classic fish out of water story. But as the focus became less on the fish and more on the denizens of the town, it became something much more to me.

Poetry. Art. Music. Philosophy. Smash together in this most awesome of shows which was especially strong in the early to mid seasons. After the fish left (to be replaced by two new fish) the show lost its way to a degree, but in doing that, I think, the show became a truer reflection of how life often is. Illustrating that it's not so much the destination, as the journey.

Chris (the ex-con, philosophizing radio DJ) sums it up much better than me in one of my favorite (if not favorite) episodes from the third season titled Burning Down the House.

Until I BLOG again...But I can see the sun's settin' fast, And just like they say, nothing good ever lasts. Well, go on, I gotta kiss you goodbye, But I'll hold to my lover, 'Cause my heart's 'bout to die. Go on now and say goodbye to my town, to my town. I can see the sun has gone down on my town, on my town, Goodnight.


  1. I am a few days behind because I want to post mine before I read yours -- perfect example - I LOVE Gilmore Girls and totally left that off my list. Thanks for the idea Stu - I am thoroughly enjoying writing them and every day look forward to reading yours.


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