Day 10: A Photo Of Me Taken Over Ten Twenty-Eight Years Ago

Me & Mom

Hawaii. Not sure which island. We went to three. O'ahu, Maui, and Kaua'i. We were there from December 26, 1983 until early January 7ish, 1984.

I'm visibly pissed off in this photo. Note how my lips are pursed. That's a very aboynamedstu angry look. I still do it today. For the life of me, though, I don't recall what I'm angry about in this picture. Perhaps it was at my Garanimal-esque outfit. Bonus points for the tightly tucked in shirt. And zipper head hair style.

Fuck me.

In truth, I'm probably pissed off that Dad wants to capture the moment for posterity. So, sucked into my own teen-age angst or drama, I can't distance myself to see the bigger picture. That this is (was) one of the last true family vacation we would take. That a year or so later, I'd be out of the house. At college. Then a few years later, my parents moved out of Oklahoma, and I wouldn't live in the same state with them for nearly a decade. Then I wouldn't live closer than 300 miles.

Of course, in what was then, now, I didn't know any of that.

Seeing this picture, I want to jump into a time machine, and nut punch that version of aboynamestu. Hard. I get that he is a building block to who and what I am now.


Looking at him, and that pissed off look on his face, pisses this version of me off, bad enough, to put that same look on the current aboynamedstu's face.

It's like a bad Terminator time loop paradox of regret.

Until I BLOG again...With all this loveliness, There should be love.


  1. Dude. I didn't realize how much W looks like you!

  2. Think we'll get it or remember it when our children are in the throws of teen angst? As a wise friend told me - don't be so hard on yourself.


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