Day 24: A Travel Story

My travel stories (over at the Team Tinsley BLOG especially) are legion.

Pretty much anytime I travel alone with the Boy(s) (a.k.a. Mr. Mom trip) something happens. Which is why I'm going to dial in Day 24 and offer up a few of my favorites from the archives.

Reminder. Day 25 is up next. I'm still taking questions to answer vs. posting another fucking picture. So. If you want to know something. Anything. Really. Ask. Quick.

220... 221, whatever it takes. The genesis of the whole Mr. Mom thing.

Help Me. Indeed!

I have no more than I did before This is my favorite for just pure, unadulterated wheels off-ness!

It's just a moment. Fucking Teenage Ninja Turtles!

Until I BLOG again...In every port I own the heart of at least one lovely girl.


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