Day 28: A Place I Love

You can't go home again. I know this. Because every time I go back to Sand Springs I'm reminded of it. Since I have the hardest time seeing my hometown when I'm in my hometown. It has changed. The same as I. So each visit leaves me with a feeling that can best be described as a wistful kick in the nuts. Even at my Grandma's house. Which in many ways is unchanged. But the neighborhood. It crumbles around her.

The lone exception. Which is a place that I love. And visit every time I return home. Daylight Donuts..

That might seem or sound odd to most. A donut shop. They are a dime a dozen? Right. Wrong. In the Sand Springs of my youth there was but one donut shop. A place that I visited multiple times a week. In fact, on the morning of July 25, 1967 while having breakfast with my Dad, Mom's water broke at Daylight Donuts. My amniotic fluid all over their white tile floor. Which looks the same now as it did in my youth.

The place seems untouched.

The donut display case. The counter. Where they have the pop machine. Their drive through window. It's the same now as it was when I was in high school and drove through every morning for my chocolate long john and Pepsi breakfast.

I can best sum up what a relic Daylight Donuts is by this simple fact. Which will boggle the mind of anyone used to the Asian run donut shop on every corner world of big city living.

Daylight Donuts is closed on Sundays.

Seriously. A donut shop in this day and age, even in Sand Springs, that isn't open on Sunday mornings.

How can I not love it.

Until I BLOG again...My hometown.


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