
I'd rather be sodomized by a troop of baboons, than have My Lovely Bride's (teaching) job.

The shit she must endure. The hours she must work. For the pay she is paid. Is beyond fucked up. It's crazy. And makes me feel like Chief Iron Eyes Cody felt in those old pollution ads. A lone tear running down my cheek for the sorry state of education in this state (and country.)

The funny thing about this latest job related trial for My Lovely Bride though, is how it comes on the heels of a rocking good Lifesearch (what they call our adult Sunday School class. I jokingly call it Wifesearch) series on the letters and sermons of Dr. Martin Luther King.

I won't go into a lengthy and erudite summary of these Wifesearch classes today. If you want to read a well thought out treatise on the class, read Big Boy's thoughts here.

For my purposes these discussions on the letters and sermons reinforce how bad we as a society worship at the church of PC (political correctness.) The moment you bring up anything, that might be viewed by the pack as racially stereotypically most feel that they have to immediately back pedal and or disclaim what they are saying. Even if what they are saying is valid.

Don't get me wrong. Like Big Boy points out here, there is something comical about a bunch of white people sitting around talking about black people. Or brown people. Or yellow people. Or red people. So on. So forth.

I'd like nothing more than to dress up in black face, and go incognito to the next Wifesearch class, as someone's guest, and then slowly get more and more stereotypical, to the point of Fuck Whitey crazy, to see at what point, someone would stop me. I bet it would take a very long time, because most are so very afraid of not being PC and seeming racist, when the fact of the matter would be, I'd deserve to be called out for being a dick regardless of the color of my skin.

Which brings us back to what happened today to My Lovely Bride. She has a horrible child in her class by all accounts. I mean bad. The child won't listen. Or behave. Often is disruptive for the kids who want to learn. And when My Lovely Bride sends her to the office and or reaches out to her parents, she's gets no support. There are no consequences for this child's actions.

In addition to this child's wildly erratic behavior, she wears clothing that isn't appropriate, thus she is always showing her belly, ass crack, etc. which is also disruptive to the class and teaching.

If you saw a person behaving in this manner. Dressed in this way. What would you think. Or do. Forget color. Or religion. Forget black. White. Red. Green. Isn't bad behavior, simply, bad behavior?

Mind you this is a child, so there is a bit of softness in the mindset that she is a product of her environment, her home life, etc. A home life where the Mom cannot be bothered with returning phone calls. Or scheduling appointments that are after or before school in advance.

As an aside, the amount of parents who call My Lovely Bride and are aghast that she can't or won't meet with them, at the drop of the hat, between the hours of 8am and 3pm, because it is convenient for them, makes me insane.

Don't they get that she is teaching their child (and other parent's children) at this time. And to interrupt that process is not only disrespectful to My Lovely Bride, but to every child (and that child's parents or guardians) in that class room.

Bottom line they don't give a shit. They can't be bothered for the most part. And sadly, most of the parents that illustrate this point of view, are of certain ethnic backgrounds. And sadly, they take up more space, make more noise, and are just a lot more visible than others in their ethnic background who are trying to make their way through the world in a good, decent sort of way.

Why is it that the dicks of society always get the most press? And create stereotypes.

So, when the shit finally does hit the fan because of the child's crazy behavior. Her inappropriate clothing. Her complete disrespect for the system which goes through hoops to try and educate and cater to her situation, it is in the form of her parents coming up to school a few minutes before class begins.

They are allowed to sign in and come all the way to the class room where they get into a very (and one sided) Jerry Springer moment with My Lovely Bride, in front of the entire class, and proclaim that all of the above issues are because My Lovely Bride is racist.

FUCK ME x100.

Nothing will ever be resolved if people can't speak honestly and openly regarding certain realities, even if they are somewhat unpleasant.

Alas, the person who loses in this situation is the poor crazy kid who's parents would rather blame racism than whatever other factors are at play making her behave in the manner in which she behaves. Behavior that damn near 95% of the population wouldn't accept, I dare say.

What is the solution? Fuck If I know. What I do know is it pisses me off, bad. And I want change.

Until I BLOG again...'cause i want to be the minority.


  1. Love your post. This PC crap is ridiculous and I would contend may be more harmful then outright modern-day racism in America. It kills any opportunity for open dialogue. Whites are different. Blacks are different. Hispanics, Asians, etc. PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT. This notion that a bunch of whites can't sit around and talk about issues with blacks/hispanics/asians, etc. is beyond ridiculous. It's “idiocracy”. You want to know why there are no black folks in LifeSearch? BECAUSE THEY DON'T TYPICALLY WANT TO HANG OUT WITH A BUNCH OF WHITE PEOPLE!! Is that racism? No, they have more fun at their church. Is it a blacks-only church? No, they would welcome your white ass if it showed up. Just like we would welcome any non-white asses that show up on our doorstep. It's not about racism. Racism is believing some other race is inferior. That's it. Simple. Some things people say and do may be culturally insensitive, but it doesn't make them racists. And most of the shit that gets tagged with racism (and would get tagged with cultural insensitivity by these same people if you took away their ability to feel righteously superior by pointing the racist finger at their fellows) is bullshit. There are examples abound of countries with mixed cultures that get along well together (we, ironically, are farther along than those with an agenda would have us believe). These countries don't expect everyone to live and play together with a perfectly blended ratio demonstrative of the underlying population. It is perfectly acceptable to be apart, love each other separately, and respect each other when you do come together. Making fun of the differences, acknowledging the differences, does not make you racist or culturally insensitive.

  2. I think Bruce has an opinion on the matter. :)


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