Day 01: A Favorite Song

Day one and I'm already struggling, because of my black and white world view.

I imagine when you read the above BLOG post title, gentle BLOG reader, you see the a favorite song.

Me. I skip right over the a and get hung up on favorite.

Picking a favorite song for me is impossible. The same way I can't pick a favorite child. Or Elvis (young or old.) Or favorite pet. My favorite is ephemeral. I get into something, hard, and love it. To the point of wanting to have babies with it. Then, something changes, I hear something else, and I'm onto the new thing, hard.

What was my favorite becomes entrenched into this crazy aboynamedstu pantheon of awesomeness which includes songs such as Love Me by Elvis, I Rise, I Fall by Ricky Nelson and You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You by Dean Martin. Those are, in order, Me and My Lovely Bride's wedding dance song, my baby song to boy #1 and my baby song to boy #2.

This pantheon of awesomeness contains 100s, maybe 1000s of favorite songs. My taste in music is eclectic to say the least. Then there's the thing that most of my favorite songs are spliced together, in my mind's eye, with memories and emotions that are powerfully connected to a time and place. Which means if I pick one over another, I feel like I'm playing favorites, which is what this BLOG post is all about, so pick I must, but again, easier said than done for aboynamestu.

New Madrid by Uncle Tupelo.

That's what my monkey brain spit back at me. Actually it spits back the first lines of the song:

All my daydreams are disasters
She's the one I think I love
Rivers burn and then run backwards
For her, that's enough

Musically. Lyrically. New Madrid by Uncle Tupelo is an apocalyptic near miss love song that I can listen to repeatedly. And one of the few songs in aboynamestu pantheon of awesomeness that hasn't been co-opted by a memory or emotion.

Until I BLOG again...Go on and do what you did, New Madrid.


  1. When I first heard New Madrid, I thought it had something to do with a mattress (sex): "Go on, do what you do; roll me onto the mattress."

    Anodyne is my least favorite of their albums, but there are some gems.

  2. I am intrigued that you picked a song specifically because it did not have an emotional attachment - not wanting to pick one memory/person/emotion over another. While I wouldn't even consider a song that didn't have some sort of meaning. Love our different takes on the same task.


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