
The guy at the front desk, smiled his fake smile, as I handed him my 24 Hour Fitness card.

After scanning my card, he looked at his computer screen for a second, a screen I imagine that contained all sort of Big Brother type info on me, and then turned to face me as he handed my card back and said, "Thank you Mr. Tinsley, have a good work out."

I looked at him and said, "Thank you. It would be a great work out if you guys would play Physical by Olivia Newton John while I worked it out."

The guy at the front desk looked at me for a second, trying to figure out if I was serious or not, and then decided I must be kidding so he did this uncertain nervous laugh.

I looked at him, seriously, or as seriously as possible since I was in fact, fucking with him and asked, "What's funny?"

Cue crickets sound effect to go with his confused stare.

Until I BLOG again...Let me hear your body talk.


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