
My Lovely Bride had her women's group from Sunday School holiday party at our casa earlier this week.  The group is called the Simplicity Circle because it is one of three circles that are part of the UMW (United Methodist Women) at our church.  The Simplicity Circle ladies are younger, relatively speaking, to the other groups.

I tell you that for this.

Part of their deal is they have secret sisters.  Your secret sister will buy you little gifts and leave them for you, send you a card, nice thing for you throughout the year.  It's all about support and building each other up, vs. tearing each other down.  At least that's what they say in their brochure. 

At the end of the year, at their Holiday Party, the very party that was at my house, they reveal who the secret sisters were for the past year.  To do this they have a little questionnaire that has three hints that they all fill out, then read aloud to guess which lady it is.  It's a fun game for their party.

This stack of secret sister ballots is what I was faced with while waiting to take Boy #1 to his Holiday Concert at the Jr. High while My Lovely Bride scurried around wanting us to leave the house so we wouldn't boy it up since she was getting it girl party ready.

Thus I sat my happy ass down, somewhat secretly so I wouldn't be caught, and filled out a secret ballot.  I then took said ballot and put it in the middle of their stack with the hope that it would be read aloud later (or at least picked by one of the many sisters in attendance.)

My three hints:
1.  I was once arrested for shoplifting condoms.
2.  I was born with both male and female genitalia.
3.  I love to mud wrestle.

I nearly put:
'I have a 30 piece collection of dildos' but thought that might cross the line.

It is, or was, a church party after all.

Until I BLOG again...This is all.


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