Boyz in the Hood

begin rant

I should not BLOG what I'm about to BLOG. How is that for a set up that makes you want to keep reading. A hook. As it were. Or was. But I'm going to do it anyway. Because I'm angry. And I can rant. Here. All I want. So rant I will. Hard. Until My Lovely Bride reads this, is horrified, and makes me take it down. Maybe.

My Lovely Bride turned 40 on Tuesday. As of this AM, she has yet to hear (via the mail or phone) a congratulatory birthday wish on what many consider a big round number type of birthday from her birth father.

The fact that a parent could forget their child's 40th birthday baffles me. Even though her birth father divorced her birth mother and then had another family.

Here's a funny tidbit for you. He named the first son of the second family, the same as the first son of the first family. William. Which is his name.

Seriously. I'm not making that up to be funny.

But back to the birthday oversight which I seem to be more pissed about than My Lovely Bride. She tells me she isn't bothered by it, and that it sort of shows her or tells her what she already knew. Or something like that. About their tenuous relationship. Then she gives me this blank look that even after 43 years of being a boy around girls on planet earth, and 16 years of being married to her, I'm not sure if it truly means she isn't bothered. Or that she is bothered. Because I'm a dipshit.

But I'm not such a dipshit that I would forget my child's 40th fucking birthday.

Which seriously, all kidding aside, pisses aboynamedstu off to the point of seeing red.

end rant

Until I BLOG again...Don't quote me boy, cuz I ain't said shit...


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