Yesterday Don't Matter If It's Gone

Not to get all David Coverdale on you, but here I go again, trotting out something from the archives.  It wasn't my intent.  I was going to write about my latest trip from whence I came.  Read:  Oklahoma.  And falling off a ladder while digging out gutters on a cold Saturday morning. I'm sure I'll write that story, eventually, but today I feel I need to dedicate my thoughts to Ruby the Dog.  You see BLOG reader, Ruby the Dog's unofficial official birthday is February 14th.  God only knows when the mongrel was actually born, because her paperwork never did arrive in the mail which I was reminded of when I got sucked into the Team Tinsley archives after this recent post.

And Liberty She Pirouette was (and is) one of my favorite Team Tinsley BLOG posts.  Re-reading it five years into the Buck Rogers future is a revelation.  Proof, albeit goofy, that things can, do, and will work out in a way you might not expect, but for your greater good.

It's no secret that life is funny.  You live it forward while understanding it backwards.  Which is so very true of Ruby the Dog.

Happy Birthday to the fifth member of Team Tinsley.  Ruby the Dog.  Probably the best pet I've ever owned (and I've owned some awesome pets.)

Until I BLOG again...She would never say where she came from.


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